Monday, May 18, 2009

Le Mans

This last weekend out at Miller Motor Sports Park was the LeMans race. Jon worked out there Thursday and Saturday. He's usually able to get 2 tickets for which ever race day he is working. So Jon's little brother Scottie went with me (he has never been out to the race track before).. we had a great time! My favorite by far was the mix classes: You saw everything from Ferrari, Porsche, Open Wheel Cars, Ford GT 400, was great! These were the best pictures I could get with my camera... plus its a little tricky getting the timing down just right when those cars pass by going as fast as they do. It was a beautiful day and sun was shining brightly..we got the sunburn to prove it! It was a great break for Jon to work a day at the race track since he's been working so hard with his clinicals for his Paramedic program.

These were my 2 favorite cars to watch on the track:
The Pits.. Last year when I came with Dave to the World Super Bike (much bigger deal) they have all the pits blocked off and unless you had a special VIP pass you couldn't walk back it was fun to be able to walk back and see where all the "behind the scenes" action takes place.
Jon--out in the Fire and Rescue Truck in the middle of the truck..this is as close as I could zoom in. He basically sits in his truck and waits for someone to crash! Well.. and they do help sweep areas of the track between races, but basically they are there to pick up the pieces when someone crashes.
Patron GT3 -- Porsche Series
Ferrari Pit ... I didn't realize how much they take the cars apart.
Open Wheel Cars
Star Mazda Championship - this is the last race we stayed for. We were headed for some food and all the cars were lined up getting ready to head out on the track. I took a video, the best I could standing behind people, because I thought Kristian would love seeing all the cars.

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