Sunday, November 13, 2011

Little M&Ms Blessing

Our sweet little Morgan Rees Middleton was blessed today by her grandfather Mark Roy Middleton. We were blessed to be surrounded with friends and family as we celebrated our sweet little girl's special day!

Our sweet little family!

Jon's side of the family:

Amanda's side of the family:

Sweet little Morgan..... such a beautiful, easy going, and sweet natured baby. Like I think I've mentioned before... a wonderful addition to our family.


Addison had a sty in her eye that appeared the day Morgan was born. Nervous that it may be pink eye we got her on an antibiotic just to be safe. Weeks went by and nothing changed.. in fact, it got a little worse. We were advised to do warm compresses and we did... nothing helped. Our pediatrician then put us on an oral antibiotic and again advised more warm compresses... nope! So we went to an eye specialist:

Addison was diagnosed with a Chalazion. Basically it is where the oil glands that secrete the cornea build up and the body starts to attack it like an infection. Normally warm compresses do the trick, but in the event that they don't then a hard mass forms and the only way to treat it is with surgery. So, we set a date!

Pretty gross looking. My thought was she is way to beautiful to have something so gross on her pretty little face. I was very anxious to get it taken care of.

Surgery day: We were told that they would call us to give us an OR time. So when I didn't get a phone call, I decided to call them. I was told that we weren't on the schedule. "Um, what?!" I was very frustrated, but eventually, ... long story short... we were able to get her added to the surgery schedule for the day.

November 10, 2011. We went to the Primary Children's wing at Riverton Hospital. Here we are waiting for our turn. The anesthesiologist came and talked to us, then the doctor came and marked above her eye so they did surgery on the correct one.

Then, when the time came, Addison took the hand of the anesthesiologist and walked one way as I walked the other. My brave little girl headed off to the OR by herself and I headed to the waiting room to sit....and wait....

The surgery took about 30 minutes. I then spoke to the physician about how it went and got instructions about follow-up, then I waited another 10-15 until they were ready to let me see her...

She was SOOOO sleepy from the anesthesia and had a hard time waking up. She did great and after about 2 hours in recovery she was ready to go home. Here she is taking her wagon ride out to the car.

Addison has been through so many things in her young little life. I can't begin to express how much love I have for her. She is so brave!! She is my hero!! Love my sweet little Addi Bug!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Little Morgan... Growing Fast!

I know I haven't done very well to post pictures to see how much this sweet baby is changing. It's amazing how fast they grow and change. Morgan is such a sweet baby! She is good tempered, sleeps 10 hours at night (most nights) and is generally so so happy! She is the perfect addition to our family. We are truly blessed with amazing kids. So here I'm sharing some random pictures just for fun.

She is reaching the stage where she is super smiling and so so close to laughing. So fun! She warms your heart just looking at her.

Here are some cute ones of Kristian and Addison as well:

Here is Addi doing the "Jodi pose".. remember the cute Senior Picture of Jodi's?! We love this pose now and Addi always wants to do it!! Sweet girl (love you Aunt Hodi)

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!! This year we had Iron Man and Tinker Bell at our house. (Yes, they're the same costumes as last year, but why not?)

Mommy dressed up for work...

Morgan dressed up as a cute little baby...

Kristian loved having his parade at school and the Halloween party. Its too bad he didn't think to take his coat off, but.. oh well!

Kids had a great time carving pumpkins... They worked really hard to pull out all the pumpkin seeds so we could roast them. We then enjoyed some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies as Dad put his artistic carving abilities to work!


Halloween 13.2

Jon did it! He accomplished his goal to run a half marathon!! We are so very proud of him that he was able to prove to himself that he could do it! AND... he did well!

He had to be to the University Mall at 5:00am, on Saturday, October 29th. The buses took the nearly 4,000 people who signed up to run (costumes optional) up Provo Canyon, on the Alpine Loop, above Sundance. Race started at 9:00am. We got to the park about 10:30, and Jon came through the finish line at approximately 29 minutes later. The kids were great as we waited for Dad to cross the finish line.

It was fun seeing all the runners come through and see the costumes. People were quite creative. We saw: batman, Darth Vader, Thing 1 & Thing 2, some Minions (from Dispicable Me), Avatar, Elvis, and many many others...including Forrest Gump!

Morgan was amazing!! She did so good... she was really bundled and slept most the time and did great!!

Jon completed the Provo Halloween Half (13.2 miles) in 1 hour, 49 minutes. He finished 3rd for his age and race class. Not bad for his first race!!

Here's his race shirt, race bib, and medal. Our good friend's dad is the one who designed this medal.. pretty cool!

Here are the kids enjoying some hot chocolates and treats as we waited for Dad to be ready to go. We love you Jon!! We're so proud of you! Can't wait to come support you at your next race!


What happens when you leave your camera unattended?... well....


High quality action shot...

Kristian's Guns...

And many, many more! How can I get mad when I was careless enough to leave the camera in "play range"... there were about 30 pictures taken of various things, mostly of each other, but were SO CUTE!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So Beautiful...

A special THANK YOU got Jamie Eyre and her FANTASTIC photography skills... Thanks to her we were able to capture these beautiful pictures of our children...

Kristian Jon Middleton: 5 Years (almost 6)

Addison Eva Middleton: 3 years (almost 4)

Morgan Rees Middleton: 2 Weeks (now 6 weeks)

We had set out to make these Morgan's newborn pictures, but decided to get a few of the other kids since I was so behind on their photos. That would explain why Morgan has so many more pictures.

Everyday brings its challenges, frustrations, and moments where you truly question if you've got what it takes to be Mom! The toughest JOB in the WORLD!!! Yet everyday I look at my children and I'm overwhelmed with love. A love that only a mother could understand. I am truly blessed with amazing kids. They challenge me to be a better person. The teach me. They are such examples to me as I strive to be better examples to them. They truly are a precious gift from God. Love you Morgan! Love you Addison! Love you Kristian!! Thanks for letting me be your Mommy.